This post is very overdue and should have been posted two weeks again on my birthday. Now I have finally gotten the time to do so and post it.
So when it is usually your friends' birthdays or your own people to tend to be excited or so especially when you turn "Sweet Sixteen."
Well for me it is not really like that this year.
This was because my birthday just happened to be in the one weekend between exams and my birthday tends to bring bad luck. So when it became my birthday this year I was kinda annoyed
because it did not mean that I could relax. My plan for my birthday was to study in the library alone due to exams. However my friends bullied me to their idea and how I should be spending my birthday with them.
In the end I agreed to their idea to "study" with them and basically I knew that we would muck around and be off task.
The night before my friend, Kyle organised it dragged a few people along and we were meeting in the library.
I went to the public library earlier than everyone as they were sleeping in. I kind of wanted some extra study before we mucked around as I didn't study for any subject for that week of exams. So I just had to study so I don't slack behind.
Later they slowly arrived firstly Mandy and Kyle and then Canny and Sarah.
I want to thank everyone for the gifts and wishes from my birthday. Thank you Kyle,Mandy,Sarah and Canny for hanging out with me. Thank you Olia and Kyle for the cake that you made me. Thank you Saachi,Sarah,Canny and Sylvia for the gifts.
I am so happy to have great and wonderful friends this year. It was really nice sweet sixteen!

Olia's cake which looks purple but really wasn't.
It was so nice and sweet

Kyle's and Niccola's Cake which Kyle claims he made. It looks so pink and nice with sprinkles
Whether you guys gave me a gift or wished me a happy birthday I just brightened up and feel so blessed
End of Birthday Post~
I actually been obsessed with the anime "K On" lately. It is so cute and funny.
It is technically spring now but due to New Zealand weather it has no been sunny or hot at all. I wish it will be a nice tomorrow. I cant believe it is nearly the end of the first week of the holidays! Wow all I have been doing at home is so lazy.
I should sleep now. Goodnight everyone and sweet dreams! Thank you for reading!
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