I am not dead yet (i am close though)
I have been lacking with all the posts lately ~ Sorry~ I have been lazy and too busy to write anything 
I am not dead yet (i am close though)
Holidays have started and I havent done much apart from movies 
That picture above basically describes what I am like in movies. I annoy people hehe I recently watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier and its really good.
It is way better than the first movie (I only survived half of it and got bored). AND if you do watch it there are two end scenes instead of one so stay behind. I felt like I was the only person that didnt know this. I'm such as dummy.

I also watch Divergent for my brother's birthday and it was good but as usual the book is better

If I had to describe my holidays it would be "unproductive". My mood all the time is sleepy or gloomy. I feel like I have no life.
This basically describes my life:

I also watch Divergent for my brother's birthday and it was good but as usual the book is better
If I had to describe my holidays it would be "unproductive". My mood all the time is sleepy or gloomy. I feel like I have no life.
This basically describes my life:
I wish I was more productive. All I do I do is lay my head on my bed and let my school work pile up. 
I hope I am not the only one. I will probably leave everything to the last weekend again
I am just gonna stress myself out. This is a bad habit and change but I am very lazy. 
My holidays has been revolving around social media
and Youtube.
I dont think I' ll live with out social media. 

I am constantly on it.
Now thinking about school..
Huehue i joke. I'll end the post here now. Hope you enjoy your day
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