Sunday, 3 November 2013

School Last term Last Few Days| Lifestyle

Hello Everyone image
Wow, I can not believe that it is nearly the end of the school year for me. image This year I have been getting crazier and louder than ever image This emoji looks like Piplup from Pokemon! So cute image It is nearing exams, I should really be concentrated and studying more but here I am procrastinating. image  Let me some up what I have been doing these past few weeks image
Art=Stress image
Art drives me insane. No matter I many times I try and do Art through out the year, I get that similar feeling of craziness. All I do in art is rush around like a headless chicken. Wow. That is an ugly sight image Since my board this year was war my board was dark and ugly. image On the 18th of October (first Friday back) it was when nearly every art student went insane expect the artists like Canny and Ivana. They are like geniuses in the art apartment. I can even imagine them just splatting some paint on a canvas and it turning out great. It is not fair. Why must I suffer. image On Thursday Night I barely slept (Only slept for one hour)  image Art is bad for my health image I regret doing little bit of art in the holiday. Why did I leave my A2 to complete and A3 touch ups to the last night image And it still turned out ugly... please give me talent.image

Labour Day image
This was unlucky for me. In the morning I went Yum Char with my family. It was alright expect we came separately as my dad was going to leave early. I was so rushed in the morning. I woke up and only had 20 minutes to get ready image Later we went grocery shopping and I went to the library. Which was so dumb of me. Since it was a public holiday obviously it wouldn not have been open. I do not know what I was thinking. And lucky when my mum was starting up the car the battery was flat and wasn't working. Some I ran from the library to the car park to go home. We had to ask around to see who could help us. For the first 2 minutes there was no one and I was thinking to call someone image But luckily someone came. The car got working but then it stopped again when my mum decided to go to into an Asian Shop. WOW two times unlucky image 
What am I even doing with my life.
Sarah's Amazing Birthday // Halloween image
So Happy Halloween for those who celebrate it. On the 31st it was my friend's birthday image I hope she had a great time. My friend Canny and I decided to embarass her on her birthday because we like to do that image We gave her a big big pillow shaped as a rilakkuma bear and a mini one to match. It was so cute that Canny and I wanted to keep it image

Look how our present is so cute and big. Best birthday present ever image She had to carry it around the whole day! And everyone was noticing her image

In my family we do not celebrate Halloween but we gave out lollies (I dont know if I am contradicting) image We gave out alot of lollies this year I reckon. However it started to get cold and windy around 6pm. It has been like this for the past few Halloweens. Usually my brothers and I dont like getting the door but this year I answered majority of them.image

Carwash image
Every year at our school we hold a carwash fundraiser and we volunteer to help out for 2 hours. It really is fun and easy to get in and help out the community. 

I have been doing this for two years and it has been really fun. My group of friends also do this and help out. It is a great meet up and have more fun moments to look back to. image However in the morning I was nearly late for the bus. I ran out the house with breakfast in my mouth. Luckily I made it in time and ate afterwards. When I left the house, not one was awake so I had to leave a note. The car wash shift was the first shift at 9am to 11am. After, my friend Dorothy and I went across the road to the mall and studied and talked abit. I also had Starbucks for the first time in ages. I had a chocolate Frapp which was really nice. image I also played around on her phone and texted random messages such as "go away." I am so nice image Luckily Dorothy did not care or explode. 

We that is it! Wow it was such a long and serious post image While writing this post I was listening to Side effects cast's cover. It is so good image I see talent everywhere. image I can be so useless like when I touch barnacles. 
I absolutely positively despise anything that has  little pocket holes in them~it freaks me out.
All night I have also heard so many fireworks. Even in front of my house I hear them playing with fireworks while I am inside typing. image

I guess it is it for today. Hope to post after exams. (Exams next week)
Did you realize I have been using K-On gifs image
Even K-On has talent. 
Bye for now and hope you are doing well.