Hellloooooooo Everybody 
Long time that I haven't posted on my blog. I have many unfinished posts that need to be written but the motivation has been low.
But hopefully this one will be up and posted and wont haunt me to finish it like the others. 
Well lately I have been having exams for the past three weeks. Lets just say I am so glad they are over and done with. I wont have to be dealing with in for another year.
During exams I realized a GREAT talent of mine. I am a GREAT procrastinator. I can study little and procrastinate until night time or even early morning where I have the motivation to study. My friend Canny and I seem to always do this when we have the same exams together. We hang around the Youtube world (that is how antisocial we are) and when our time is up we study. We talk alot through social media and fail to encourage ourselves to study. I think next year we should lose contact through the exam period and not get distracted by sending each other Youtuber links to check out. I feel like we stalk other peoples' cool lives while we have none.
If I was a penguin my best friend would be a dead fish cause I wouldn't have the social skills to make friends 

I also have become closer to many people during the exam period because that is what I do. I procrastinate by talking to people, if no one talked to me I would probably get everything done quickly. The top picture is probably what I looked like during the exam period. During my late night/early morning study I would usually talk to people but usually one person who stays up late often because apparently they can no sleep unless early in the morning. So I would like to say Thank You to you~ Hopefully you will read this as I really appreciated your help. And I am really sorry for the bother 
During the second week of exams where I had three exams my friend Olia decided to trick me. And since I am ever so gullible I believed her
Why am I like this? She said that she didn't attend some of her exams. I believed her. I even started worrying about it. I regret it so much. I wish I didn't think about it so much. OLIA DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN. 
Through out the exams I would occasionally go to the public library and study. However I would no study alone but with these smart people
I felt so not so smart around them. I felt like I was playing around them and not studying well with them
I am so glad that they dealt with me instead of the run and ditch Elaine. We even ate lunch at times and Wow.
I probably sound weird but when I studied with an acquaintance that shall not be named ,Gene and Jonathan (They are ALL ROUNDERS ) and when Gene and Jonathan ate they were so fun to watch
They are even smart when eating while I just gobble my food. WHY MUST I BE LIKE THIS.
During the second week of exams where I had three exams my friend Olia decided to trick me. And since I am ever so gullible I believed her
Through out the exams I would occasionally go to the public library and study. However I would no study alone but with these smart people
I just wanted to say thanks to the people who studied with me (in order that I studied with): Gene,Jonathan, Acquaintance,Kyle,Prince,Shirley,Omkar and Prince. I just hope that some don't judge me as that weird annoying girl that wants to study with them.
During studying with the group I would usually be the first one there (before the library even opened) being my awkward self. I also had doubts that any would turn up and were joking around when I take them seriously. However whenever one turned up my day would be made and be my old happy self.
I think that is all that I need to say for the exam period. If I had to sum up my exam period in three words it will be: stressful,nightmare and FUN. I actually found it fun as I had great times and made new friends.
And here it is for the end of the school year and the post i finally posted after a week of exams.
Thanks for reading and post more soon.
thanks for reading.
So cute Elaine ^.^
ReplyDeleteaww thanks~ you are cute too :D