Friday 6 February 2015

Happy 2015

Wow its been over two months since I have blogged on here! It is way passed exams and holidays!

I want to wish everyone a happy 2015! Let it bring joy to us all and more hard work and stress and homework and everything else fun.

Y A Y! 
Time to die.  Help revive me please in the middle of the year. 

I haven't done anything special but I did go on holiday to South Island with my family friend and it was the best! It was so much fun in general and the sights were just so pretty there. 

I went to one of the most scary haunted houses ever in New Zealand called Fear Factory and I nearly died and was so close to chickening out especially since I was walking at the end of the line. I was nearly in tears. I think the whole building could hear me scream and cry and run and cry more. I want to be more brave this year. But at least I survived. 

Other than that, education really pushed me in a deep hole. 

This year has been a really big step up showed me that I am getting old. I can't believe are leaving school. I am going to miss everyone. Everyone will be split apart and it would feel so different not seeing them daily. 
Other than that HAVE A GOOD START TO 2015~

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