Hey! It has been so long.
Hope you haven't forgotten about me!
A post is long over due.I am currently sitting my exams! I only have two more left ;; (Maths tomorrow and History next week) I cant wait for everything to be done and I can finally rest and muck about with no stress! Don't you love the feeling of no pressure or restrictions? Here is a quick post on my life recently!
Armaggeddon 2014
I went to armaggeddon this year in New Zealand - A convention of everything geeky (anime,tv shows,Gaming etc) It was really fun and I even got to play on the LoL stage and buy keychains and just spend a day with people! I also ended up cosplaying as Yui from Angel Beatsfor my first time~ Sadly I didn't do it justice... I think.
Thanks for the free ticket riot :3
AoT- Who doesnt love Attack on Titan?
The beautiful LoL stage set up during Friday~
LoL ended up giving out alot of LoL merch (landyards,toys,wristbands and more) which was great and exciting. I also ended up playing Sona on stage near the end with some Riot players and other LoL players. I also got a prize by playing with them! I also received gaming headphones which I have not put to use yet but hope to soon.
It was so much fun and excitement. I hope to go again next year and maybe pull off another cosplay! Hoping to turn out well too even though I am a beginner! I bought a few keychains and Wilson ended up getting me on too! (Thanks :D )
If I had to rate my experience it would be 

// 5
It was just nice to have everyone there and to be so friendly!
Cherry Blossom aka Sakura
There was a day that my family and I went to see the Sakura trees and they were so amazing , I couldn't not take any photos!
Other bits to summarize my past month!
Well that is it for now! but hope to blog more in Decemeber ~ Are you excited? All the Christmas decor and food have came out of the stores and I can not wait!
Hope to blog more soon!
Stay Safe and Have fun :)
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