Thursday 25 September 2014

Last week | Term 3

School has ended but I have plans for the holidays apart from a movie or two with some friends. I want a restful break and hopefully get some studying done. I need to lift those grades up. Recently my week has been going great and I received a few gifts ^^ Thank you Wilson ^^
I really like them ^^

+teemo hat and sweets :3

I think it was a bit overwell for my birthday and gave him a keychain and surprised him with a shirt in return ^^
On Wednesday, I was hanging out with my friend Olia and she was handing out CVs at the local Mall for a job. She made me think that I should also be consider a job soon too. I hopefully will have one soon!
I recently went to the supermarket and only discovered about a certain that I hope to try soon~ 

The gradient as the background is so pretty :3 Nothing much has happened apart from school! I hope to blog more since it is holidays for now ^^ and balance it with studying! That is all for now! My post has been really empty haha
Thank you for reading!

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