Thursday 24 December 2015

End of 2015 ALREADY ?!

Hi to my non existent readers that i kinda abandoned for a year!
Its me Elaine! Here are so quick facts about me:

 Currently still  an Asian Girl 
 Still living in New Zealand
 Still loves anime 
 Still sits at home and snacks too much for her own good

BUTTTT I have changed from since my last post from Feburary.

 I am now eighteen!! Not seventeen
 I finished my 13 years of schooling!
 I might have gotten taller and maybe more mature but who knows.

In general it has been a great year and was a blast to my last year of high school. I just cant believe that I am done with everything just wow. Where did my time go to? Everything just disappeared out of my hands I guess. Who knows what the future holds? More painful exams? Lets just hope for the best next year which is less than in a week away.  When did time go by so fast? 

I hope that I can write more blog post next year 2016! (At least more than my 2015's post number which is currently less than 5)  

I have posts planned for this holiday which goes for about 2 more months!
( The longest holiday I ever had! ) The excitement it will bring to me! The snacks, the free time, the shows and the money spending 

Talk to you soon! 



    1. HAPPY NEW YEAR AND MERRY CHRISTMAS <3 btw i cant find your blog D;
