Friday 29 October 2021

What a throwback



What a throwback. I just had a thought about this blog.. Its still here - all the memories sparkling as I read them. I always had a thing for the past. You could say that I am a nostalgic person. It the year 2021. It has been 3 years since my 'last' post. But could you really say it was my last post? I feel like it was more of a check up post. 

It feels like blogs are in the past. Now, everyone is on tiktok, instagram, snapchat and whatever new social media that is up and rising. Yet, I feel that blogs hold a special place in my heart. Even when I am not blogging - I have been trying to keep a journal and diary. It is a way to keep myself checked and occupied when I am alone. I am horrible at being alone - I love to be with others whether its just sitting next to them or chatting on for hours.

Over the years, I realise that I love capturing memories either in photos, physically or simply by writing. I love reliving the past and feel that I never live in the future. I am trying my best to improve on this.  

Alot has changed since 2018...

COVID - thats an obvious one. Lockdowns, vaccines, contactless - who knew that I would be saying these words daily. 

Gradation - I ended up graduating in 2019 with my Bachelors. Since then I have worked a range of jobs but yet indecisive on what I want. I am early on the career on a foggy path leading to no where. I hope I am able sort it soon. 

Relationships - I have had my fair share of friendship breakups and drifting apart from others when university began. It was tough but it is a journey that we all go on. It was hard and at times still coping with it.

Animal Crossing - This game really helped me during the first lockdown. It had just come out and the year previously we got a switch. It was comforting to play a game that you could control and meet up with friends. It made lockdown so much fun and saved me. I have also dipped my toes into valorant. Its tricky but nice as I got to reconnect with some friends. Friends via gaming has really brought me joy and at times gets me teary eyed. Connect with someone even if they arent here. 

Snowboarding - A few friends and I have been learning to snowboard! Very fun but painful. Took a few trips to snow planet but hoping to get better. Also purchased my own gear - jacket, boots, board, gloves, pants. Everything - I am invested. I never knew that I will be into any sports.

Tiktok - I have fund join in editing videos. I use to love it as a teenager with iMovie. However, Tiktok is more approachable and short. However, I am not doing well in terms on stats. Currently have 17 followers which majority are spam bots. Regardless, I am committed and hope to build my own community.

Trips - Been to many trips since 2018 when to Mount Ruapheu , Queenstown (twice) , Cruise around NZ , Melbourne, Australia. These trips have always been fun and so valuable to me as a person. It brings new experiences but created genuine relationships and happiness. I hope to travel more...

Birthdays - Yes, it is still something I dread every year. Nothing has changed since then. Im older now - 24 - literally in my mid 20's. At this age I thought I'll be more established now. Unfortunately, I am not.  I feel like I was set on my own timelines - which has not been working - and failed. I know I shouldnt be hard on myself on this and trying to improve. But - some days can be terrible and heart breaking. 

Night outs - One thing that I barely did since my last post was late nights whether thats going out late or staying up late. I have now had a share of it. Late nights with friends going to korean bars , clubbing (only done this 3- 4 times max) , house party or just gaming till late! Regardless of the event, it is usually fun and wow it is different from hanging out during the day. I do like but dread the morning after. 

Anime - Yes, still a very big part of my life. I do binge and still love boku no hero. Detective conan still holds a special place in my heart but I have not kept up with it for the past year now. - and yes it is still ongoing. A few of my favourites are: Attack on titan, tokyo avengers, dorohedoro, Demon slayer, Fruits basket (omg they rebooted it - and its soo good), great pretender, kakeguri, violet evergarden, The list goes on.... 

Netflix - Yes, another big part of my life. Love watching shows and movies on it! Have been using someone else's account though hehe. Some shows: squid game, alice in borderland, ozark, sabrina, sex education, snow piercer, money heist

Music - been loving a range of music. My top album would be conan gray - love this work , evermore - love taylor swift. Been getting back into kpop also - something that i have dabbled in for a while - blackpink so far. Become obsessed when I realised that the members had relations with NZ! 

Fashion - been finding my own style more. I feel more happy with the clothes I wear now and am into more colour and unique pieces. - always comfort over style for me. Got into a bit of a sneaker head in 2020! + been doing my own makeup! 

I guess that is all for now...

No promises of when my next check in is but hope you are doing well 

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