Tuesday 6 December 2016

End of the Year | 2016

wow. what a year it has been. A tough long yet fast year. Alot of things have happened throughout the year that I can not think of every detail of. The major change of this year was probably attending University.

Attending university has changed me alot with the obvious of changing my daily routine. Having 8 am CHEM 110 classes when you live up to a 2 hour bus ride away requires you to get up early in the morning and catch the bus at 6:20 am or even 6am. I like to think of myself as a morning person but i couldn't convince myself to enjoy it. Luckily it only lasted one semester.

Thursday 4 February 2016

New Zealand's Weather

Hello ~ 

For the past week in New Zealand it has been constantly sunny and bright. The day just became very hot which did not motivate me at all. 

Monday 18 January 2016


Hi Everyone! image

The Christmas/New year holiday has officially passed ~

How was your holiday? Is everyone back to there usual routine? Does the New Year make you feel any different? For me, the New Year is a reminder that it is a time for change. This year so far has been a transition in my academic life from a high school student going off to University.

Friday 1 January 2016

Review Questions for 2015

Hi everyone as it is a close to a year I decided to create a little review/self evaluation of this year for myself!
I hope to read and do something similar in the future! 
If you are interested you can read on!

Super Sailor Jupiter's RibbonSuper Sailor Jupiter's RibbonSuper Sailor Jupiter's Ribbon