Sunday 1 September 2013

Hello September | 2013

Hi everyone
So it is now the end of August meaning we stepped into a new month and also my birthday month of:
However September wont be the best of all months as this is when my school decides to have their exams and also my birthday will be in the middle of it all!  However we started September in a bright note as in New Zealand it is Father's Day today!
So I am going to keep this post short and sweet. I started off my September with Art Homework . Art has been a big thing this year as I have been working on it constantly! I hope it pays off.
If I had to summarize my August it would be:
 Meeting a few new friends and becoming closer to them
 Having a successful science internal
 Starting a new anime of "Attack on Titan"
Receiving sponsored items
Getting my braces tightened
Cure Kids Mufti
New Youth
Well that it and hope that September would hopefully be good and if I had to rate my August this year out of five it would be:
I really enjoyed it and hope every month would be like this
I want to thank you everyone reading this right now and hopefully I will see you soon
Bye everyone and bye August~

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