So instead of having a regular LifeStyle post I have decided to do a fifty facts/confessions from me. These fifty are in no order but just the ones that I think of first. I hope you guys will know more about me and also these confessions wont lead you judging to me that much. Thanks for reading in advance!

Lets start

I get cold so easily that I have to sometimes wear 4+ layers

I love anime and manga but sometimes don't regularly watch or read 
I tend to get very emotional when something bad happens to me 
I can get jealous easily especially when it comes to good grades. 
I get attached to people very easily (usually within one day) 
I had an obsession with being tall until recently. 
I love being home alone 
I actually enjoy school if I am no tired and if my friends are there 
I love making new friends but I can be awkward 
I tend to be the third wheeler or loner 
I love making people happy yet I can not sometimes make me happy 
I give in to peer pressure too easily 
I love joking around and tend to have a lot of inside jokes 
I hate starting the conversation on Facebook but I tend to always do 
I have never straightened or dyed my hair before 
I can get hurt easily 
I hate being left out or being alone 
I always fear that I will lose my friends 
My first anime I ever watched and that I count as an anime is Shugo Chara! 
I love looking back and remembering my memories 
I care a lot about my grades 
I like using pixels 
I only give out my blog link to close friends 
I like art however I am bad compared to others 
I found that I made a lot of new friends this year than last year 
I over think 
People tend to ignore me 
I care what people think 
I like listening to people if I know what they are talking about 
I miss too many people 
I miss when I was in primary 
I still love soft toys 
I love Disney animations 
I don't really fan girl over anything 
I can not wait to read back my blog posts when I am older 
I have friends but I am not really close with a lot of them 
I like to talk 
I have changed from last year from a quiet and shy girl to a louder person 
I do not tell everything to one person 
I do not have a best friend but I sometimes wish I have one 
I stress a lot when it comes to exams and tests 
I want to learn how to cook 
I want to become closer with everyone 
I do not really hate anyone 
I hate being hated or disliked by others 
I wish I am liked by my friends 
I love the colour pink 
I like it when someone and I are alike 
I wish I had an older sibling 
I tend to rant a lot about my day 
I am not that Asian compared to other Asians 

That is it for now~ Hopefully I will post one more post this week as next week is exams!
Bye everyone
I should also study now ~

Lets start
That is it for now~ Hopefully I will post one more post this week as next week is exams!
Bye everyone
I should also study now ~
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