How is everyone? I hope you all doing fine.
Well I today I went to my friends birthday party even though it was one week after her actual birthday
She was gonna go to ktv for her birthday and it was my first time
I feel like at my age people should have gone to ktv at least once before. Oh well.
I firstly went to her house before which was my first time ever and discovered that she had a dog named Kobe. At first I had t admit I was kinda scared of him due to this energetic personality and over friendliness. But later we got along fine. He became my only friend
He is so energetic. I want his energy when I am at school...
Kobe is a model.
I was the first to arrive and we mucked around a bit while the others slowly came. She decided that we were gonna have this baking session before we went to ktv. It didnt turn out well. If you know me I love food but I cant bake so I became a spectator. 
Bake for me
These cake pops were so good. BAKE FOR ME AGAIN GUYS
When we first reached to the ktv place I noticed two things:
1. They were playing Let it Go (Demi's Verison)
2. They have the best fish tank
It was so cool and nice. I want one back at home. I obviously took pictures.
Why must I always take blurry pictures.
The fishes were so pretty.
We got our ktv room which was number 13. Unlucky number 13. However it was a good room and slowly everyone came. At first we had problems with the microphones not working and not knowing how to pick the songs and such. However I came to enjoy myself as everyone became open and started to sing.
It was mainly all the pop song from new to old. It kinda made me realise how much older I have become when listening to these songs.
We ordered so much food. Everyone had a drink and meal. I had a Taro Milk Tea (first time) and Ciao Mein. I thought that the good was nice and not bad as I thought it would have been.
Everyone became so full from it that we barely had enough room for cake!
And time for the cake:
She chose an Chocolate mousse cake. I have to say it was the best. It tasted so good and I loved it. Plus it ahd mini macroons around the cake.
Before however when we cutted the cake we had done these "forced" speeches. And now looking back at the video my voice was super high and annoying. I wonder how people deal with me on a regular basis?
Afterward when everyone was leaving I realise how big of a mess we made... 
I want this cake again.
Her gifts from the night.
The room was very spacious for us all.
(look at that mess)
Why must we be so messy.
Overall I had a great time for my first ktv experience at her birthday. Hopefully Ill be able to go ktv and make more good memories from it!
Thank you for inviting me!
I think that concludes the night.
Thank you for reading and hope to blog soon!
Stay safe and have fun