Hello everyone 
Here is a list that I came up with of "Impossible things I wanna achieve but never will"
However as someone I know says :
But Im sure the ones on my list are impossible because it is unrealistic and too into the fantasy world. 

Wouldn't it be so cool to have anything you wish for once you think about it?
But then again life wouldnt be much fun or having the excitement once you achieve something. I guess if you are willing to take a risk you must be willing to fall for the consequences. It is part of life I guess.
Why is life confusing?
I just hope that the decisions I make would be the best one and the people around me would also agree. I think i give in too easily.
I also watched in the Fault in Our stars and one quote that i vivdly remember was “Grief does not change you, Hazel. It reveals you.”
I find this true as grief makes you think more about yourself and re evaluate the choices. Sure you may blame it on yourself but in the end of the day it s your choice. For me I cant make choice 
I think I make my life harder than it should be
But then again I'm trying to be extra careful but it takes the opposite affect on me.
Have you ever done that before? You try and do good but it goes all wrong?
I know I have.
Choice make us who we are so we have to always make a choice carefully.
I hope you make the right choices.
Are you happy with your choices?
Thanks for reading and maybe blog soon
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