Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Past Weeks | School

Hello everyone~ 
My blog has basically been dead lately.  Sorry about that. I doubt anyone is reading this but I guess I'll write for my own comfort. *cries* Why am I so loner.  I have been so sick lately  I blame it on the weather like always. It the winter season I guess. 
Before I was sick everyone else around me was sick and I felt so superior as I wasnt a weakling haha. 
I wish it was summer already where I can drink cold drinks without worrying 

I guess foods need to do it for now  I have taken a large intake of unhealthy foods lately ( more than usual). This causes me to be lazy too. My relationship with food is a hate/love situation. Why cant I just stop gaining weight 

Considering how the term is going I think it is going fine.  I am balancing everything well ever since after week 6. 
I even been leaving the house more  or maybe because my parents kick me out of the house. They love me too much 
High five to 11,000 followers! You lovelies are the bestest <3 Lets all do something we love to do this evening, alright!
During school I have this habit of mine which makes me seem more childish than I already am   
Our school allocates school diaries for students to buy. The diaries are really decent unless you see mine. Mine is really a mess  It has doodles everywhere  Its like a kid's diary. It has drawings everywhere. EVERY SINGLE PAGE SO FAR. as my brother would describe it, its a "girl's diary."  I really dont know if thats a good or bad thing. I guess it is cause I'm a girl ?  

Well time to take my leave and enjoy dinner and do homework (my repeated process every single day) I cant wait for the holidays. I dream for those days to come 

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