Well recently this past week I have been really tired due to the lack of sleep and food I have been consuming.
I have grown weak. I dont even know why I suddenly lost interest in food
Well there is only one week of school left until holidays for me. I have been waiting for them to come
Expect I would have an assignment during that time 
And on top of it the weather has been so bad lately. It has been raining and cold and freezing and cold and
Cant we have summer back?
And on top of it the weather has been so bad lately. It has been raining and cold and freezing and cold and
So this week at school was Cultural Week. Cultural week is a week at school where we celebrate different cultures.On Friday was where I feel where we actually celebrate this. On friday there are stalls set up by students that sell different foods from different cultures. It was nice to see everything and try new foods.
Thank you for buying it for me
Since school is ending in a week alot of stuff needs to be done such as two topic tests next week.
I also had a haircut last week! I chopped roughly half my hair at first. Firstly I was unsure but I have come about to liking this length.
Thanks for reading and hope to blog more later
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