Hello everyone 

So my friend Kendall recently turned seventeen and we went to Ghenghis Khan, A Mongolian buffet restaurant nearby. I previously went here before with my family however it was a first with my friends 

It firstly started bad as the place got our booking time wrong and postponed it to 8:15pm which was a late dinner for me
I did not know if I wanted to go in after. Especially since I was ever so hungry.
If you know me, I can not resist food and must eat. However in the end I decided to go.

Earlier I went to study in the public library with my friend Andrew. I also ended up seeing some other people that we knew:Brian,Kevin X and Taejin however, Andrew and I stuck together.
We also ended up having lunch and I had sushi and I haven't had that since forever and it was time that I should have.
The sushi place in our local mall had just finished renovating and I must admit that it looked way better. The sad thing about it, was that majority of the seating is outside and since it was winter, it was freezing cold.

I also bought and tried Lipton Ice Tea-Lemon flavour which Andrew recommended and it was so good. I would buy it again. 

Anyway back on topic. I arrived at on time for Kendall's dinner and you wouldnt guess what I saw. I saw people signing a toilet seat for his gift as he didn't know what he wanted. They are crazy. I really caught me a surprise. I ended up signing on it too which I found weird but whatever.

When we entered we were hit with the warm breeze. It was so warm that I could have slept.
One of the first think I notice was there was alot/ a few pot plants. I even took a photo of one, I am so weird.

For those who have never been, Ghenghis Kan is a buffet restaurant where you place all your raw meat,veges,herbs and sauces in one bowl and they cook for you. I must say it is different from other restaurants however it maybe be over hyped. 

So that was the main course of the place however there were little beverages such as chips,spring rolls,sushi and soup. I got a bowl of soup and apparently it tasted like vomit so I ended up not having it at all. 

My favourite part was the making of pancakes. They make the best pancakes ever. They are so circular and perfect. I would never be able to make them. 

Wilson and I both had a mini competition on who could make a cuter pancake.
Mine on the left and his on the right.

I reckon his one looks like a monkey but both of ours look cute either way.

Funny enough I ended up seeing my friends from another school, Adia,Jasmine and Brian. It was good to see them as I haven't seen them since a few months ago. 

They were attending a friend's birthday which I also meet and made new friends with which was nice.
Overall, I do like meeting new people when I am not shy. 

Aside of eating like a dog. I did something else funny which you probably would expect if you knew me well 

Is it just me but hugs make you feel extra lonely? I really enjoyed hugging people and more often. It suddenly occurred to me that I should hug more people. I must admit it was funny especially seeing Logan's reaction as he seems not to pefer hugs at all. I on the other hand enjoy hugs. Do you? It just enlightens my mood.
So thats it! Hope you have a great day and hope to blog more soon 

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