Sunday 3 August 2014

Nothing New | Term 3 week 2


Sword Art Online

Hello everyone

Nothing much has happened since I last blogged.I dont really know if that is a good thing or not. My past two weeks at school mainly consisted of results,homework and a test (which went horribly wrong).  
So recently I have been feeling like this:

The weeks have gone by so far and there is only one more month till proper school exams and I haven't even started studying!
I just know I'm gonna start stressing soon. I re watched, 'The Girl who leapt through time,' again which was nice. I really enjoy the movie however I which it had ended differently.
I tend to enjoy these Japanese animated movies such as Spirited Away which I am sure most people would enjoy.

Recently my friend Daisy bought some flowers for her mum and I thought that they were so pretty. (especially because I like the colour pink)
Daisy and I had to protect it from the wind though. It was especially harder as we usually take the bus home and the bus was so crowded. 
Recently in New Zealand a new chocolate came out and lets just say I love it heaps. I really like chocolate in general though. haha
I was very excited when this chocolate came out as I wondered what it would taste like and also it was the colour pink. I seem so girly.

Well that is all I have to say for today.
I hope your week is going well for you.

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