Sunday 10 August 2014

Front of House + Career Expo

Hi there everyone! image

So alot of stuff have been happening and I haven't had the chance to wrote/blog it all down. But dont worry I shall write everything down now image

Well recently I had my first experience as being part of a Front House on the 1st of August with my friends: Megan,Shresta,Caleb and Lori image It was for our school play of World War One. For you, that did know but this year was World War One's 100th Anniversary. Our school play was to play tribute towards this. As being front of house people we were luckily enough to watch the play also image Which was nice however we didn't watch the second half as we had to fulfill our duties.  We basically had to sell food during half time and dry the dishes afterwards which was alright. Afterwards we all just hanged out afterward. Since we were part of the Friday group of the production, the place was very full as it was the last day. image The play was during night time at our school and it was really cold however I enjoy the school at night as it seemed more peaceful. School at night seems to clear your mind unlike during the day. image
This picture is completely useless as I couldn't photograph the stars but you get the point. I fail image

At our school a career expo is held every year. For you that do not know what it is, it is basically where guests from universities,training course school which promote their place to us,students. It is a time to reflect on what we want to do after school. To be honest it was a scary thought for me image I know I would miss school as everything is basically organised for you. image I was part of the career's ambassador therefore I had to set the event up. My friend, Sarah and I had to move all the furniture our of the whanua/house block and organised the desks the way the guests wanted it to be. Believe me, it was a tough job as the furniture was too heavy for us and we also ended up vacuuming. image
Afterwards we had to wait for the guests which was very cold outside and it was no ideal.

Luckily around 7 we were able to eat the pizza that our career advisory got for us. I never actually had a whole pizza to myself before which was great as I love pizza. image
Here is a nice blurry picture. I ate majority of it which I am proud of image
The career expo made me think more this year than it did last year. It kinda got depressing after thinking how old I was getting and still have no idea what I want to do. 
I am so bored…any suggestions?

On the plus side I can say to people that I stayed at school for roughly 13 hours (8:15-9:40) which is pretty neat. But I don't know if it is something I should brag about. image
I was so tired after that day. image
Wow I am running a high fever and feel like poo…

On the same week on Friday there was the whanua choir competition. Our school hosts whanua competitions where they compete to gather points for the whanua shield. I dont think our whanua has won ever since I came. image This year the choirs weren't that great as it seemed everyone was unprepared which was sad. I think they should have given everyone more time. However it didnt stop my friend,Canny and I judging each whanua's choir and placing them the order they would come in. However our predictions were so bad. We thought that the judges judge wrongly. We didn't think that our whanua wold come last as they had one of the best vocals or the whanua that had excellent instrumental (played by the one and only Inha and Gene).image
Overall I cant wait for next year as the people organizing the choirs would be people from our year!

Recently, Wilson have been giving out really sour lollies from the local candy store to people. Lets just say these lollies are really sour and the expressions that people make are priceless. I also have to admit that they are sour but are so nice. image
Recently I have also been tired easily and just want to fall asleep. 
Had such a busy day~I’m so sore!

I also have another blog post coming up about my friend's birthday. 
I should write it now before I forget what happened. image

Goodnight everyone!
Hope you are enjoying your day and stay safe.image

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