Hey everyone~
So today is finally Friday
I am so glad it is finally Friday. If I had to sum up my week it would be:
So I am now going to summaries my week within 100 words for each bullet point.
I already know from this is going to be a long post. Recently I have been writing a lot
So last everyone was given their option selection sheets and we are allowed to choose 6 options/subjects for next year including English. I had a struggle to see what options I had wanted but ended up being like an 'Asian' and choosing the subjects that may not seem appealing to some people. I had also a long thought if I wanted to continue art or not as it was hard work throughout the year and I was not good compared to others. My options ended up being: English, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and History. I also think it maybe boring but it would be a whole lot of interesting learning!
This happened on Monday in the morning just before morning tea. On Sunday Night my face was becoming really red and puffy. I felt like a chipmunk and I asked my dad and he was saying it was because I wasn't have enough fresh air or something because I had been painting the whole day on my room. I think his reason was really unrealistic but I obviously did not talk back. So the next morning (Monday) my friend noticed my eyes were becoming red and puffy. I honestly felt so embarrassed. So at second period I went to the nurse the very first time for 3 years that I have been at the school. I ended up waiting 20 minutes to see the nurse and all I got was these eye ice pack to place on my eye for 20 minutes. It was so awkward too because the staff/teachers could see me if they walked pass the hallway. I also noticed that the hallway was decorated by paddles made by our art class. When I came back from the nurse there was only around 10 minutes of class left. And I ended up missing a lot of notes but at least my eyes were not puffy and red anymore.
The heading says it all. I basically hanged out with the wrong people to study with as they were not interested in studying but asking questions that are so weird and mocking me. I probably will not study with Kyle and Gabriel again and never thought that they were that weird. I ended up doing less homework than expected and I did not really go in the first place. It was meant to be us three and Mandy "studying" in the library but she was not able to go as she was invited last minute. I guess I learnt my lesson and that studying alone is a better option.
So for the art assessment that should be completed in a few months time consists of 2 A3 paintings and one A3 painting. Let me state one thing though. Art is more stressful than it seems. I have 'finished' one A3 but it really doesn't look good so I have to fix everything up and hand it in on Monday and I also have to finish my second A3 on Friday and I have only painted half of it. It is so sad, I work hard on it and I am still behind. My artwork is mainly based on war with a hint of people so my paintings are so dull and dark. It is actually depressing. Tomorrow I am meant to go to this Chinese restaurant with my family friends but I can not as I will have not enough time to paint. So tomorrow I will be having dinner alone... At least I get to chose what I have to eat?
So today (Friday) I had a practice exam for Algebra (without calculator) and let me tell you one thing: my teacher was late to class meaning we got less time to finish the test. I am actually annoyed by that but I guess life can be unfair. After the test I suddenly remembered that I made silly mistakes such as I did all the working right but I wrote the working wrong. Hopefully I will get marks for the working. The real exam is in two weeks time and I am very nervous. I am actually a clumsy person and forget stuff and sometimes blank out in exams. I shall now also study hard for it and get the maximum result.
I actually made a whole post dedicated to this event but here is a short summary of it. My friends invited me to their youth group and I decided to go along as I had a feeling I would regret it later. At the youth I found it really fun as I knew people there already and one or two people that I actually trust. It also made me happy which was good as I have been so negative lately. I also plan to hopefully go in the near future.
Today was school photos for co-curriculars and I had to take two photos which were Art to Where and Enviroschool. These two photos however contained a large group of people as many people were involved and it happened to start drizzling when we were taking the photos as it was in large groups. We were also told to take our jumpers and jackets off so we were basically standing in our blouses and shirts in the cold. Plus the photographer seemed annoyed at us as we were no in the 'right' position so it roughly took 10-15 minutes to take on good photo. I was annoyed and I also had goosebumps. For the enviroschool photo it had more people and I was also standing on the table behind the back and I was so tall but did not feel that why for long as my tall friends Shivran and Dennis stood next to me in the photo and they made me feel normal height. Hopefully I look alright in the photos as I think I complained about the cold a lot and may not be looking at the camera.

So this is the summary of my week and I really enjoyed writing this post as it made me review what had happened in the week and I actually forgot what happened. I have not used a lot of pixels but hopefully that will not matter. It is nearly 11:00 pm and I should go to sleep now as soon as I post this. Plus my whole family is asleep.
Thank you for reading and have a good night!

So this is the summary of my week and I really enjoyed writing this post as it made me review what had happened in the week and I actually forgot what happened. I have not used a lot of pixels but hopefully that will not matter. It is nearly 11:00 pm and I should go to sleep now as soon as I post this. Plus my whole family is asleep.
Thank you for reading and have a good night!
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