Hi everyone 
Its been a while and I missed blogging so much!
I have come back to blog again but lately this week was a bit crazy with all studying and art.
Actually I have been procrastinating a lot recently.
Today I just had my science internal where you set up an experiment and write a report about it. It was about an experiment where we had to see if a rubber band sinking speed is constant or not. To be honest the internal was actually really good. Since the internal was for 3 hours long I had plenty of time to think and daze out the window
But sadly it was pouring outside
I was just glad I did not leave at that time but it meant saying after school for one hour and thirty minutes. After I finished the internal I was so happy to get it done
Our class was the last group to finish the internal as other sessions were one Monday and Wednesday. But I also had an issue with the experiment. The equipment was meant to have rubber bands. But what we were given was not even rubber bands. We were given rubber sticks. This was misleading for my friend and I.
Recently at my school this week at lunch times we had a talent show. A talent show is basically a competition where people show off their talent but mainly all the performances are singing or something musical.
Let's just say some of the performances were a disappointment especially the first day.
But after that it was goodish. But I must admit I would not be brave enough to perform in front of our school especially even though I have no talent.
I just got informed that my friends' sister made it in the finals! Their performance was a group/band with their sister being the singer.
It was a nice performance and glad that they went through especially since they had issues with the microphone not being able to project the sound. 
Recently my brother has been very clumsy with his phone.
My brother lost his phone and could not find his phone in a week and didn't even tell anyone. And after a week he finally told us and it was already too late. It turns out his phone was in his jeans. However those jeans happen to be in the washing machine at that time.
That was bad and my parents especially my mother was angry at him.
I was doing homework upstairs at my room at that time and I could hear them from upstairs. I do not think my mum is buying him a new phone.
Well that is it for now and hope to talk very soon 
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