Hey everyone 
How is everyone? I have been busy lately I had lots of stuff on my mind lately! I am sadly to say that I have not been blogging lately due to study and that I haven't done that much studying that I had planned.
It is so bad and that I have been stressing so much
Well this post today is about a new youth group that I got introduced by my friends from school threesixty° It is not as big as my other youth group but it was a lot of fun and different!
Well lets get started. I also have a feeling this post is going to be long! So sorry in advance but I just love blogging or diary writing in general 
So this youth group was actually held at my primary school which I spent my whole primary life there (roughly 6 years) and going back and see it overwhelmed me with feelings.
(let me state that I am not that emotional) It made me feel that I was back at Primary again when I was more fearless of everything and with my friends and teachers
I was actually late at first to the youth group as I was still wondering if I should go or not. I am so bad at decision making
I did end up going instead of studying.
Oh well. It was my choice and hopefully I did make the right choice.
When I arrived people were already playing manhunt which is a game that I played too much in intermediate. The first person was actually a youth leader that I did not know and after saw my friend Dennis and apparently he was 'it' and I did not know. Plus I found that Dennis was taller than I expected which was weird. HAHA but it was fun and during the game I saw David, Mandy and Kyle. Which we meet outside the junior playground. It was good to see them as I feel that I may have gone distant with one or two of them and also that I would be the 'loner girl.' And also that I would be a 'third wheeler' out of Mandy and Kyle and I. I was right.
During the near end of the game I also saw my friends (in order that I saw them) Kendall, Jerrod and Gabby. Strangely enough Jerrod was sweaty with a long big bandage of Gald wrap around his head. That was strange of him as he seem like a one man team.
Anyway when the game ended we went into the hall/gym and had a few minutes and refreshments. Lets just say I did not know how to get water and did not see the water dispenser next to the coffee machine where I thought I had to get hot water out of. I felt so stupid
When we went upstairs (technology room) it was a nice to see the room hasn't changed that much since I went there 5 years ago. We all seated and I seated in the row with Jerrod, Kyle and Mandy on my left and David on my right. It was nice to actually be sitting next to people and not be excluded.
During the talk within 5 minutes my mum called... It was embarrassing.
Plus apparently I seem so 'Chinese.' The phone went off with a big ringing sound and when I picked up my mum must have been on speaker.. It was loud luckily no a lot of people could understand her or I as we weren't speaking English apart form Mandy and David.
I only knew after the phone call that David could understand Chinese. And Gabby understands Mandarin but I don't speak that..
After the talk it was basically free time.
We hanged out in the gym and basically hanged out with people. We also climbed up the bleachers which were closed and jumped off it on the big blue puffy mat. Oh did I mention that I was wearing my new platforms and it was not suitable for manhunt or during Free time? Oh well. Now I know 
On the walls of the gym were old school photographs and lets say I was so Asian looking with that bobby hair style but I can not say that I still don't look Asian. It was nice to see it though. 
After wards around at 9:00pm we started to head back home. I had really enjoyed the night and hopefully will be coming back soon. Plus a lot of inside jokes were made! Oh and apparently I am heavy for my size. I found that really funny.
I was wanting a piggy back as I somehow enjoyed them after Megan's 16th. I got 2 or 3 people to carry me and all said that they found me heavy.
During the first piggy back I fell including the person carrying me as I would not let go! Now that I think of it, it seems mean.
I also want to say thank you for everyone at youth for making a really nice night and dealing with me since I am annoying and maybe boring
I should really take a shower now as I am still in my uniform 
Thanks for reading and hope to see you soon
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