Hey everyone~ It is after school now... finally! 
So today was a pretty interesting day for school
I got to hang out with my international buddy from Korea. And one common question I always got was 'Is she Pretty?'
I really did not know how to answer
I was to scared to answer because if I said she was everyone will judge her and me. If I said no I will feel bad and that would be mean also
So I just told people 'Judge for yourself' as they were going to judge either way if I said yes or no. 
Today I also missed the bus because my friend ( Daisy) and I were late. I was lazy and walked to the bus stop while Daisy ran for it and still missed it.
We then decided to go back to school and do work but we did not stay long. We went to her whanua/house
and eventually just talked. We realized the bus came in 5 minutes and ran to the bus stop. 
Today at school also I also began to be childish
Last night I was talking to people from my school (Gabriel and Kyle) decided to hunt for my Korean buddy and I. Which was weird and creepy
I decided to write it in here as today they made my school day happy
They came at morning tea and basically disrupted my group of friends. They are really nice and I am so glad I become closer with them this year
I do hope we can always talk with each other
Today I felt childish because we basically played hide in seek and we are in HIGH SCHOOL.
We luckily did not play the whole lunch time haha. The whole lunch time I was watching a movie with some students while they were finding me. Kyle and Gabriel was doing homework for half the lunch time so it was fine. Since they did not find me at lunch time I basically won
I felt bad though today because I took Kyle's Diary and Smiggle Pencil Case. I kept it in my bag for two lessons but could not hold it any longer. I felt so guilty and was scared they will come into my classes
Plus they were heavy too. Hopefully Gabriel and Kyle read the message in the diary
But if they did not here is a summary of it.
Hope you guys accept the apology. You guys are really nice to hang out with.
When my parents come home from work today I received a package from an online store
I was so happy. I have been waiting over for a month now! I hope to review it soon also on my tumblr
Today was really a great day 
Bye for now and hope you have a nice day too!