Hello everyone! 
It is Elaine here (obviously. Who else would be here?)Even though it is my second time blogging I would like to say that blogging is actually really fun and I want to continue doing this
. I actually hope that I continue doing this until I am an adult. I would actually love to read back things and see what I did in the past
. I actually come across my diary from primary school to intermediate roughly when I was 11-13 years old. I felt so overwhelmed that I actually did it because I can recall the memories that I wished I could keep forever.
But some were actually really weird and I couldn't even understand it
.I do hope I have time to write here even during school time but last term was insane with internals (assessments). I basically had tests or due days every week!
I am so glad it is over for now...I must stay positive & happy
Wow I just realized I talked alto about random stuff and not even be on topic.Oh well I guess I should talk about my past and myself for now~
Here is my "about me" as I never done one here:
(I am going to use One Piece pixels instead of Bullet points)
Next about my past..
Well that is the end of the post for today! I hope you got to know a bit more about me and keep reading my blog~
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