Hello lovelies 
So today was a busy day
Last night (21/07/2013) I was watching X men first class and Karate Kid (The movie with Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith). I really loved X Men First Class
. However I disliked the ending it was so sad and how it ended the movie. I did not know that Jennifer Lawrence was in the movie. It was a shocker. I love the idea of mutations within humans it even made me want to be a mutated (in a good way).
However X men himself was not in the movie apart from a few seconds in the film. Here is my rate for the film of X Men First Class out of five:

Since I also watched Karate Kid I will also give it a rating: 

I love how lovely and the thoughts made by the viewer is just so wonderful. I love how a simple thing like putting on a jacket can turn into a Kung Fu move. I love how it made me see the Kung Fu lives in everything I do. I really enjoyed the movie. It was a third time watching it. I found the movie really inspirational
especially when this quote was sad by Mr Han (Jackie Chan):
"Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up."
This suits in everything we do and I will always remember the quote. 
So this is a very short post sorry everyone
But I really need to get ready for bed and I am really tired
I just came back from a friend's party, her sweet sixteen. I really enjoyed it and promised a friend to right a post about it soon as she loves to read my blog
. Thank you for reading and hope to post tomorrow 
Goodnight and have sweet dreams 
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